Wednesday, September 30, 2009

House buying, Part 3

Well that didnt go quite as planned.

When we got to the house for a final inspection, to ensure all our requested repairs had been conducted*, the repair invoices were not there, so no evidence of them except trying to physically inspect it ourselves. The house was also left fairly dirty, and with quite an accumulation of kludge all over the place - old kettle & food processor, some towels, used bottles of cleaner, and a couple of other unidentified bits, just in the kitchen, and quite a bit of other stuff sprayed out around the place.

Cat decided she could cope with all that, as she was planning to clean the house herself anyway. However, the back yard is strewn with a swing-seat, play-fort and a bunch of other kids' toys which the old owners obviously didnt feel it was worth dragging to Houston, and this I'm seriously unimpressed by: they are obliged to drag this stuff away. Fortunately our realtor has a sister who would be able to use all this stuff & she will come and collect it.

Once we had that sorted, and a guy to check under the house & make sure everything was actually fixed there, we finally got to the title company, which is where the signature signing happens: that took a while, because there was a stack of papers yea! high to sign or initial, plus it got interrupted halfway through when the woman dealing with us had to rush out to the parking lot - someone had just rear-ended her new(ish) Corvette**

Then, it turns out, still no keys - as the vendors have moved to Houston, the papers all have to get couriered to them to sign, then returned, so maybe tomorrow or Friday we actually get into the house. Fairly annoying. As I understand it, usually it happens the same day as the sellers usually haven't left the city & will go to the office to sign at the same time. Oh well, just another little aggravation.

*I have no idea why they don't think to have the guy who did the first inspection check again: a cost-cutting idea I suppose, but talk about penny-wise pound-foolish. How would I know if the chimney is now up to code, or whether they actually repaired the shower pan, rather than getting a friendly repairman to scribble a soi-disant invoice?

** She also amused Cat my reacting with 'You got to be fucking kidding me!' which is, she say, the first time she's heard a Southern Woman really swear

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