Thursday, September 24, 2009

Catchup day

oops, cut off in mid-stride: a few emergencies erupted yesterday, and I thought I'd better hit publish as it didnt look like I'd get time to get to it.

As I was going to say before I so rudely interrupted myself :) - our moving day is set for Friday 9th, so we've got about a week after settlement day (30th) to have some people go in, repaint the bedroom, lift the carpets in the hall & 2 bedrooms and polish the hardwood floors underneath them, and fix some minor things we want changed (toilet needing reseating, electrical outlets needing upgrading, new shower head, picayune stuff but nice to get sorted out - and nice to own the house so we can, without having to ask permission!)

And it looks like another mad day today: had to spend a couple of hours last night fixing some headaches, and now in addition to the tidyup and paperwork (well, electronic, but it comes to the same thing), I need to chase up why this occurred (fortunately not my problem) and whether we caught it in time (definitely a potential problem). Oh well.

Cat applied for a couple of floristry jobs - one of which she didn't hear back from, oddly, as the woman seemed to be terrifically interested in all the new techniques she could offer: but she may have priced herself out of that one, or the woman may have reconsidered in light of the economic weather. The other she was offered but turned down, partly for the poor pay rate (not much over minimum wage) but mostly because 90% of the work would be funeral work as the shop is owned by a big funeral home chain - and unlike England the funeral work here is amazingly dull and unimaginative, very simple and repetitive and hardly better than production-line floristry.

However, the proprietor shop she's been working unpaid at for the last few months - which is definitely one of the 2 or 3 elite floristry places in the city - heard about her looking, and has offered her a parttime position, which is what she wanted. She won't be starting until mid-October, after we're moved in, which is definitely a Good Thing, as she has a lot of projects she want to get done by then.

Other than that, I am still feeling fantastic, released from the Dopey Prison of apnea. It's just, well, like dawn after nightfall, feeling so much more alert, and having energy to actually do things. Not a huge amount of energy, but anything is good: I've been able to increase the amount of daily exercise I'm getting, and cut down a bit on meal sizes, which is paying dividends in losing weight (slowly, but anything is good). Even the pestilentially annoying psoriasis seems to be clearing up (except for a particularly annoying patch on my scalp, under my hair, which seems to be resistant to everything: I'm considering napalm, or perhaps a mohawk, to expose it to the sunlight).

Oh, and my nose has started working, at least intermittently. After decades of not really smelling anything much at all, of a sudden I can - sometimes anyway - detect quite subtle small smells, which is wonderful .... sometimes! Of course most of that will be down to not smoking any more (wow, nearly 5 years since I stopped now), but blowing lots of warm wet air up my nose has done wonders to clear the congestion as well.

It has also definitely improved my humour - both my general mood, and my capacity to hang on to my temper and not fly off the handle. Probably hasn't improved my terrible puns and jokes though! In fact, it may have made them, well, more numerous if not worse in quality.

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