Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hell is not Texas

Hell is in fact phoning the Infernal Revenue Service - exactly on their stated opening hours - and, after spending 5 minutes wrestling vainly with their autophone service, getting a message saying, 'Your anticipated wait time is greater than 15 minutes', without even the option to leave a message or request a callback.

Oh well.

Ironically I phoned the Arkansas Tax Department & got everything sorted with them in about 2 minutes total :)

Update: I do have to apologise to the IRS for some of the mental ill-wishing I indulged in, as once they did answer my call, the woman I got was amazingly friendly and helpful, and couldn't do enough to resolve my issue and make me happy. It did take quite a while, but rather than the usual bounce-me-round-the-department crap, she made all the ancillary calls herself, & let me know what she was doing, and her progress on each one. Score a big plus for the civil service, I must say.

Heaven, on the other hand, is getting enough sleep. I've been on this new CPAP machine for about 10 days now, getting used to wearing it at night, and the results are ... fantastic! I've got energy, and bounce, and much more cheerfulness. No more periods of feeling dopey and dozey, no more extended lethargy, no more afternoon naps in the weekends.

Cat says I've got a twinkle in my eye, and I'm present and here so much more. It sure feels like it - last night after work, I got home, did my regular exercise, had dinner: then instead of washing the dishes then sitting quiescent in front of the laptop all evening, I got up, cleaned the kitchen, helped Cat with a problem with her furniture project, did stuff, was all energetic! Wow ... just ... wow.

Of course, it does feel weird, at night, but I'm gradually getting adjusted: and finding I'm even waking up before the alarm goes off, and just thinking & planning the morning.

Not sure if this burst will last or subside as I get more used to feeling rested, but damn it feels good so far!


Anonymous said...

At least NZ IRD has a callback service now, which is better than waiting on phone interminably.

Glad to hear you are getting lots of sleep and feeling energised.


Die alte Aechzener said...

Yeah I thought about IRD when I was waiting on the phone - seems to me they had a voicemail option a long time ago, too