Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A passing observation

Amanda quoted:
He argues that far from being merely angry over the “confusion” over stupid shit like who pays the tab at dinner, men who are lashing out at the broadening gender roles are angry that they’ve lost patriarchal power over women.

Which I found very interesting in light of my rave of a couple of days ago. Not that I disagree - not at all! But it seems to me the same rage and temper tantrums is driving the racist storm, and the republican backlash - simple pure anger and outrage at losing apparently-permanent privilege and power (as to why Republicans would think this is eternally theirs, well, they're right, dammit! and everyone else is not just wrong but sinfully and willfully wrong, so of course they deserve permanent power).

Unfortunately, I dont think there's any diminuation in this outrage likely - the anger may be banked and less obvious, perhaps. The solution, rather grimly, is to outlive them: each generation seems just a touch more openminded and egalitarian than the last one (and that seems to go back a long long way).

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