Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A quick frenzy

Of course, today it has to be busy, with ridiculous meetings about reviewing an 'Incident' that everyone agrees we handled correctly (noone could answer why we were having the meeting, other than 'It's policy requirement'), and reviewing Naming Standards and Procedures - now there's a real barn-burner of an issue - after commissioning a consultancy to review our standards and report on them.

That latter wouldn't have been too bad, except the consultancy appears to have done a complete hack job, ignoring our current standards and just producing a 'standard template' that they recommend to everyone: and the standard template is (no surprise) absolute bollocks in various parts, and violates both company policy and (where it obtains) the Sarbanes-Oxley legal requirements (which is another piece of purblind idiocy produced by Congress, but that's neither here nor there at the moment).

Anyway, between that and the actual productive work, plus trying to ensure everything is ready for closing on our new house, it's totally manic today, so no great rant (silence in the cheap seats!!)

Hopefully will have a little more leisure to write tomorrow afternoon, after the closing.

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