Thursday, July 16, 2009


Whew, made it here.

Hit the road yesterday at 7 a.m. and finished in Harrisonburg VA at 11:30 pm, stayed the night in a nice enough hotel, and hit the road this morning at 9:30, arriving about 1 p.m. Registered at the con, had lunch, crashed out for the afternoon, then got up at 7:30 and went for dinner with Ray - Cat was still too tired & stayed in the hotel, so I brought her shrimp & beer from Red Lobster after we'd eaten.

Mind you, getting there was a chore - Ray was navigating (he;s been here before), so we spent an hour stumbling around Lancaster which - believe me - ain't that big. Did get to see an Amish buggy & horse tho, while we were lost: picturesque, but .... ekk, horse manure :((

Terribly afraid this whole trip was a collossal mistake: I'm still feeling beaten & bruised from the trip, I just dont have the resilience or energy for this punishing travel. Not sure I'm even going to play at the tournament tomorrow or Saturday. Horribly tired and depressed. Oh well, have to just sleep on it, we still have to do the journey back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Phil, sounds like a horribly long road trip - no wonder you are tired.

Those road distances for us Kiwis just sound ridiculous!

Hope you got a good night's sleep and do end up being able to participate in the competition.

Mum is feeling brighter, managed to stand on her good leg for a short while last two days. And she wants to watch the All Blacks v Aust match tonight so am taking up a portable telly - just hope we can get Prime TV channel as that's only free-to-air it is on.

Look after yourself and drive safely home.

Little Sis