Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Well Memphis went OK. Cat & I were separately interviewed, and the guy who interviewed her was pretty brusque and hostile: by the time he interviewed me, he had eased off somewhat, so ironically I had an easier time of it.

However, the upshot is that Cat is definitely approved, and no decision is made on mine - as they require proof that I was legally divorced when Cat and I married, and all I had was a notation on the marriage decree (god knows where the original divorce decree has gone). So, I've contacted Archives NZ to ask how to get a copy of this, & will have to wait for that. Fortunately, it doesn't make any difference to me when it happens, whereas with Cat, the sooner she gets her green card, the sooner she can start work.

We did have one other little incident. When we visited Baton Rouge last year, we ate at a restaurant chain called Bennigans, and Cat had a Monte Cristo sandwich, which she absolutely loved: we tried to find one in Little Rock, but it had closed down before we got here. Last time we went to Memphis, I checked the internet & found the address of a Bennigans restaurant, and made sure to take Cat there, which delighted her.

So of course, after our interviews this morning, we set off to lunch there again, following the same directions, pulled into the drive and .... no Bennigans, it had been renamed to the 'River Cafe'. Talk about thunderstruck! It must have been hilarious to watch our faces at the sight.

Nevertheless, we ate there, and fortunately the menu hadn't changed, only the name :)

Oh well, on the road in the morning, I'll cut this short.

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