Monday, July 13, 2009


Well, we're off to Historicon shortly, so I imagine blogging will be spasmodic at best, for the next 10 days.

Actually, we're off to Memphis tomorrow for our interview with Immigration, to get our green cards, then we drive back. Ray is driving over from Oklahoma on Tuesday night, then we all set off together on Weds morning, early. (why drive back from Memphis only to repeat that journey on Weds? Well, the cost of overnight accommodation, primarily).

It's about a 1200 mile drive each way, so the plan is to drive around 900-1000 miles on Wednesday, find a local motel to crash out in, then complete the journey Thursday morning: with any luck, that leaves Thursday afternoon to register, and go gawk at the shops & tournament prep.

Friday is the Theme (Dark Ages) FOG tournament, and Saturday is the Open FOG tournament - each 3 x 3.5 hour games, pretty damn hard work. I dont have anything scheduled for Sunday, tentatively plan to go sightseeing with Cat for the day: and we have friends, Tiffana & Pete, driving from New Jersey to meet us (for the first time), for dinner on Sunday. Monday we drive back (not sure if we'll break the trip or try to do it in one hit), then Tuesday & Weds I've got off work to sit around home and recuperate :)

I'm fairly nervous about it, as the physical demands are quite high, both in terms of driving, and gaming - 3 games in a day is tough, and doing it 2 days in a row may be too much for me, have to wait and see.

That's all I've got at the moment: need to go pack toy soldiers! I'll try and write something more later, if I have time & energy.

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