Thursday, June 18, 2009

Waterloo Day

Seems funny to reach Waterloo day, & not have any wargames planned: huh, when I think about it, not even any Napoleonic soldiers here, if I wanted to do a refight. Of course, I unloaded my huge Nappy collections before we left NZ (which helped pay for the move, of course), and haven't really replaced them, having failed to find any large number of Nappy players in the UK (and the few small groups I found, playing strange and demented scales and rulessets - Napoleonic skirmish with 54mm figures, for Davout's sake!)

Oh well, I progress with my project of getting all my unpainted lead at least based, undercoated, and given a brown wash. Overall I'm delighted with the look this produces, and it does feel enormously better than having them just stuck in piles, in cardboard boxes lying around everywhere. However, with the advent of the hot and sticky weather, it has been slown down a bit - both because of technical issues with the ink washes in this heat, and because the humidity is so debilitating.

I expect this to pick up now, as we've reached the point where the air conditioning is going on pretty much fulltime - we try to put this off, both to acclimatise and to keep the bills down, but as it gets hotter, there comes a time to just be realistic, and rely on the blessings of technology! Once it's regularly over 90F, that seems to be our current sticking point (so to speak). Judging from last year, the next 6 weeks will get hotter & hotter, with the humidity only starting to diminish in August, but as we go from airconn'ed house to airconn'ed car to airconn'ed office, it isn't too hard to put up with.

And speaking of which, whoever has control of the office temperature this year, is taking a very different approach to last year, I'm happy to say: last year, I was cooking at the office every day, as they kept the temperature very hot (80ish) to keep costs down (I assume). This year, it's positively chilly in the office: I havent measured, but I would guess around 65F, so it's always quite pleasant to walk out of the office into a wall of hot air (at least for the first 30 seconds).

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I was going to expound on the situation in Iran, but it's too depressing & I'll put that off til tomorrow, I think - besides, Thursday is my busy day at work, so best to clear the decks and get ready for the change requests.

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