Friday, June 26, 2009

The Secret Life of Cats

OK, just a short one - today is my day off, but I got phoned at 10 and asked to help out with work - the other local DBA had been up all night on a problem and needed to crash out: so now I'm knee-deep in Priority One problems (just waiting for a job to finish while I bash this out).

Anyway, while going to answer the phone, I pass through the wargames room (3rd bedroom, notionally), and there is Brandy, sitting at alert, on the middle of the wargames table, peering out the window (half the table is covered by Cat's current quilting project, but she's on the bare half). Now, I've never seen her up there before - Midnight occasionally, to catch very early morning sun, but I thought it was too far for Brandy to jump with her big tummy :)

When I pass back through, to go get dressed, Midnight is now up there, in about the same position, and Brandy has shifted onto the quilting, and is now busy trying to stare into a cupboard by sheer willpower.

Coming back again to get back to work, and now they're both on the quilting, sitting at extreme alert, almost side by side, and peering out the window.

And now, when I check, they have moved to opposite corners of the table, and are both curled up asleep (Brandy with her paws covering her eyes, as it's quite bright :)

What other strange things do they get up to when I'm at work or asleep? (well, there's Brandy's nightly promenade of triumph with her victory toy, but that I'm used to).

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