Monday, May 18, 2009


Well, lets see if I can get back into a regular rhythm of posting here. Last weekend was our one-year anniversary of arriving in the USA, and we decided we'd go out to dinner on Sunday to celebrate. Alas, we're in the very buckle of the bible belt, so all the 'fine dining' or good quality restaurants were closed on Sunday - only the chain restaurants & takeaways were open - so we settled for a promise to visit one tonight, and went to IHOP for a cheap meal.

And for some reason the place we went to was empty - we had 5 servers waiting at the door for a patron, so service was very good for once :) ... and as it was fresh strawberry season, Cat had a crepe with strawberries & cream cheese (OK, I did have a bit, and yes it was totally delicious).

We finally got our applications for green cards (permanent residence) sent in, about 10 days ago now. The amount of paperwork was fairly staggering, plus we had to get complete physicals signed by a govt-approved doctor (from a quite short list) ... plus a cheque for $2000 to process the 2 applications. Unfortunately, the day after I'd mailed them in, one of the women that Cat does quilting with, informed her that we would probably be rejected & have to appeal, because we were meant to send the I-460, the G-365, and the M-671 (or whatever they were) to 3 different locations, not all to the same location .... not that this was mentioned anywhere in the instructions. Meh.

& what, she couldn't have mentioned this before I sent them? OH well, she bases this on her own experience, and did remark that the appeal thing was quite easy and straightforward, so maybe it won't louse things up too badly.

Oh, and Cat finally has her Arkansas drivers' license: I've passed the written test, & just waiting for a month to pass, so I can sit the practical (which, as it just involves 4 right turns going around the block, doesn't seem too arduous).

More in a day or two

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