Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Good news

Well that's nice - we've just got letters from the USCIS (Citizenship & Immigration Service), notifying us that they've graciously taken our money, and the next step will be a Biometric exam (i.e. fingerprints, retina scans, that stuff), to be conducted at their offices, and they'll notify us when it is scheduled.

So, at least they didn't get lost in the mail or delivered to the wrong department - always a popular ploy with bureaucracies - and we haven't been rejected out-of-hand. Now just to wait for them to get it together for the next step. What's after that? Not sure, for normal immigrants it would be a face to face interview to make sure we aren't terrorists or threats to the nation of some sort, but as we did those when we got our L-visas, I'm not sure if we will repeat that or not (of course, it's bureaucracy, so 2 guesses as to the answer).

The rain let up yesterday, at last, and we had a real sticky hot day. I say we, but actually my office is (so far) being kept at a cool dry temperature - not sure what, but it's low enough that short-sleeves feels a little chilly: so actually Cat had to suffer through that, I merely endured it for the evening. It's certainly getting warm enough to start thinking of using the aircon - altho the price of that is a distinct disincentive.

Oh, and some really good news - my friend Sarah, in Chicago, has finally found herself a girlfriend - 3 months before she leaves to go back to NZ, it's true, so the timing isn't ideal, but I'm just delighted that she's found someone for a while.

More tomorrow

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