Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Well, that was a soggy long weekend: rain, rain, rain, rain, and a bit of mist, with more rain to come. I guess we were lucky last year, when we arrived: then it was a heat wave, but dry. Apparently this weather is typical May weather for Arkansas, tho - a dry winter, a cool pleasant early spring, then a warm soggy late spring (to be followed by hot& steamy summer, oh joy).

Didn't really get to do very much over the weekend, as Cat got hit badly by menses this month, and had no energy (and lots of pain/cramps). Sometimes I'm just so grateful to be a man: at least, those times I don't have to deal with all the s*** that gets wrapped up in the concept :)

On Friday we did go over to our neighbours place - this is Tom & Molly: their only son, Matt, was home after completing training as a Navy medic & just before he left for Okinawa for his first tour of service (nice posting!). He had his girlfriend there as well - in fact, they announced their engagement that night - so there was quite a celebration.

Then we went to dinner with them on Saturday, after Matt had flown off to Okinawa: it was Molly's birthday the previous day, but she'd deferred any celebration until Matt had left so as to make the most of time with him, sensibly enough I guess. Anyway, we went to a place called the Samurai Steakhouse with them, Ellen (the fiancee), and Kay, a friend of Molly, and had a fairly enjoyable time (although the food was ... well, underwhelming and very expensive: not actively bad, but nothing much).

Otherwise we were very quiet, just went out for a drive to Conway on Monday, so Cat could buy some more fabric for dressmaking.

I'm hoping to find time to finally sit my driver's test this week - I was eligible to sit last week, but the work week just filled up with things & I didn't get a chance to do it. That would be a relief - not that I do much driving, Cat drives me to work & home each day so that she has the car during the day - but it will make life simpler, and should reduce our horrendous car insurance bill: because we had to get insurance with foreign licenses, it was roughly tripled from what would normally be paid here: it would be very nice to reduce that from it's current level ($260/month).

Well, back to work - more tomorrow

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