Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hunting Cat

Well, the cats are still adapting to this whole new world of having-an-outdoors to explore. Midnight, who Brandy always uses as her scout, pretty regularly patrols the back lawn and checks out the bushes during the day, although she's prone to coming and asking Cat or I to come out and supervise (or protect) her. Brandy rarely ventures further than the deck - I think she dislikes having the long grass tickle her extremely round tummy.

She has, however, discovered a method of hunting just designed for her, i.e. bone idle. In the early mornings, the bushes outside our bedroom windows has a number of small birds occupying them and chattering away, and Brandy delights in getting up on my bedside table, or on the chair beside the other window, and peering out, imagining herself hunting (without anything so strenuous as stalking or pouncing of course).

However, as the windows have venetian blinds on both, this means when we wake up, she is agitating to have the blinds opened or raised, something we are reluctant to do until we're dressed, so she is now spending the early part of the day pointedly sniffing and/or pawing at the blinds, trying her best to look cute and appealing, or sitting grumpily at the windows, depending on what she thinks might succeed today.

Once spring has properly arrived, I imagine we'll even open the windows for her (well, for ventilation of courfse). At that point, she'll want us to arrange it so the birds fly onto her outstretched paw, I imagine.

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