Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Well, we're in!

Of course it had to rain like Noah promised on Friday, but we made it through all that without any accidents: noone even fell over on all the slippery concrete.

Cats' friends, Carol & BJ, were amazingly great: just worked and worked and worked, I dunno where they got the energy or determination. We certainly got enormously more done because they were there, not just in cleaning but also in helping shift stuff and reorganising things.

One problem the weather caused, is that the polyurethane refinishing on the floor took twice as long to dry as expected, so the second coat didnt get put down til Saturday, and we couldn't start moving furniture onto it until yesterday. It looks amazingly good, tho, so the annoyance and extra effort was well worthwhile. We also tried to keep everything off the games room carpet (the only carpeted room left*), as that got steamcleaned yesterday, so we spent the weekend kinda camping amid a jumble of up-ended bookcases, boxes, and sundry furniture.

It's gradually getting sorted out, tho, just taking longer than expected (which is pretty predictable really). The games room lighting wont go in until Friday, and the master bedroom gets repainted then, so we've moved into one of the other bedrooms in the meantime.

Haven't had any major issues discovered since we moved in, which is reassuring, too :)

Of course there's a pile of work Yea! high now, and I better get back to that

*As it only has a plywood floor, not hardwoods. Longterm, getting it redone or replaced is on the cards, but ... eh, not for a couple of years at least.


Martin said...

Congratulations - must be great to be in your own place and getting settled.
Unpacking is always a bore though.

Die alte Aechzener said...

Yeah, and moving everything around twice is a pain. Still, its ours, & we can do as we want with it, which is a great feeling. Another 3 weeks and we might be mostly unpacked LOL.