Wednesday, October 14, 2009

These guys really are crazy II

OK, off the top of my head:

  • The health reform bill includes Death Panels that will cut off any older people from health care to keep them alive
  • The health care bill will fund abortions! With your Tax Money!*
  • Health Care reform will Bankrupt the Health Insurance Companies! (though noone explains why that is a bad thing)
  • The health care bill means faceless bureaucrats will dictate who your doctor is
  • The health care bill will introduce Socialised Medicine (whatever that is)
  • The health care bill will mean rationing and you wont be able to get care that you deserve
  • The health care bill means illegal immigrants will get free medical care! (not that anyone explains what is actually wrong with that concept)
  • The health care bill is just like Hitler's policies (yes, seriously, that was pushed out by the NRCC)
  • Health care reform will take so much money out of Medicare so old folks wont get health care because there wont be any money for it.
  • Obama is running out on the troops in Afghanistan
  • Obama is going crazy and pouring troops into Afghanistan
  • Obama is betraying the country by not nuking and invading Iran (while still involved in Iraq and Afghanistan, not that that is mentioned)
  • Obama is betraying civilisation by not supporting Georgia and launching an invasion of Russia, NOW!
  • Cap and Trade is a TAX and will destroy business and make everyone poor
  • Spending money on a depressed economy is crazy and will unbalance the budget
  • (leading to) Roosevelt didnt solve the Great Depression, it would have gone away by itself and he did more damage than good
  • Plus, Roosevelt didnt solve the Great Depression, it would have gone on forever except for WW2
  • Oh and WW2 doesn't count as stimulus spending, because. Just because. (these 3 usually in the same paragraph).
  • Obama was born in Kenya and his birth certificate was faked.
  • Michelle Obama is a crazy vengeful radical black woman who will .... well, thats never clear
  • Obama is a crazy communist vengeful black man who is going to get revenge all whites
  • Women should no longer get the vote (they vote for Democrats too much)
I'm sure there's a lot I'm forgetting, but that was just completely off the top of my head.

The thing is, these are all complete lies. They don't have any underlying basis of facts, they are just crazy ranting. And they are all broadcast, not by crazies crouched in basements, but by prominent media personalities, and repeated and echoed by the bulk of the media - TV, newspapers and internet channels. Some of them keep getting dragged up, again and again, even though they are comprehensively refuted each time.

And about a quarter of the country sucks all these up, repeats them, screams them endlessly, and will not listen to reason.

What's more, they are hyping themselves into such a frenzy of threats, menaces, and violence, that I fear that at some point someone will start acting on it, and people will start being murdered.

*Frankly, aside of this being a good idea, the idea that you should have a veto over how your tax money is spent is ridiculous: you dont get to withhold taxes for a war you disagree with, or for other policies you may find deeply offensive.

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