Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ooh la la

From one of my favourite songs:
Poor old Grandad, I laughed at all his words
I thought he was a bitter man
he spoke of women's ways
They'll trap you and they'll use you
before you even know
for love is blind and you're far too kind
Don't ever let it show

I wish that I knew what I know now
when I was younger
I wish that I knew what I know now
when I was stronger

Well, who doesn't ?... in the end, our lives are the sum of the mistakes we've made and left behind us, and I can't even imagine anyone who can look back at their lives without regrets: but it's a crummy way to live your life, too.

And thinking about it, I had to reflect, thank god for feminism: that sort of bleak, self-serving evaluation of women is so much more false to fact than it used to be, and mercifully a lot rarer, too, I think (well, I hope ... perhaps I'm just deluding myself). After 50 years (well, more), I can still look at the idea that women just trap and use you, and shake my head: what a terrible idea to have to live with, and a terrible way to live your life.

I guess you can make a coherent argument that women, and men, just use eachother to get what they want, but it still seems an oppressive, unrelenting view, and I can't see that it gains you any understanding, or any happiness, or satisfaction in your life, but rather constricts and makes you more selfish and self-serving.

I still like the song, mind you.


I should perhaps tack on, that the Granddad referred to in the song is nothing at all to do with mine, or any of the fond memories I have of him. 

Oh and the song is by Ronnie Lane (ex-Faces), 'Oh la la' alternately known as 'I wish that I knew what I know now' (this version by Rod Stewart is actually prettier, astonishingly)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Phil

Sent you an email on Weds but no response. I need your new home address so we can send you your Xmas presents.
