Thursday, January 21, 2010

more medical

Well it's been a bit of a grim time of recent. This last week or so I've been going insane from itching alllllll over my skin, shifting and maddening and unignorable.

Not sure of the cause, it seems to have arrived a bit after the cold extremely arid weather shift since the new year (under 10% humidity and subzero temperatures even at 3 pm). This has caused extreme static issues for everyone - which the cats, being longhair, particularly hated, and as a result, Cat started using an anti-static fabric softener.

So I'm not sure whether the itching is a reaction to the fabric softener, or simply from my skin drying out too much. However, she's stopped using it & rewashed everything that had it, we've bought a humidifier to run at home, and I'm rubbing moisturiser into all my skin twice a day, and one or more of those seems to have resolved the issue, as it's more or less gone away now, thanks be - it was quite maddening, and also fairly dangerous - all too easy to scratch a hole, and with my lamentable healing rate, infection & a festering ulcer is all too likely then.

I've also just been back to the Vein Centre who operated on my leg at the end of last year, as my foot is still every bit as swollen as it was (altho my calf and knee have had their swelling reduce enormously). He's sending me off to a Lymphedema clinic (man they have specialist clinics for everything!*) to get additional treatment but he did observe that he wouldn't expect what he'd done to effect much change on the foot in less than 3 months, so maybe I'm being a bit previous.

I've thought about that since the visit an hour ago and I'm really not sure that I believe him about that 3 month thing - given the circulatory systems working that seems a little specious (if very convenient for putting people off/blurring their memories) ... but not a lot I can do about that anyway.

Oh well, another round of medical joy

*Of course, in a strictly-for-profit medical system, this makes sense, for the doctors, if not for anyone else involved or for society at large .... but Americans dont really do society.

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