Tuesday, August 4, 2009

As expected

Wow, what a day - almost lunchtime & I've barely had a moment to take a breath. Not that I'm getting much useful done, just meetings, meetings, meetings: one to sub for the client boss we more or less work for (or at least aim to please), one with some developers who have (they thought) been doing the DBA support work on a server*, and one with the monitoring guys (at last! after only 5 months of trying).

*And I have to say, if they thought they were doing DBA work on these databases, they've really had their thumbs up their posterior fundaments, because I've been doing it all, including noticing, oh, when they were about to run out of friggin' disk space and other minor items like that.

Never mind - lunchtime is also taken up, Cat has arranged for a viewing of the Grand Old Lady I mentioned yesterday, so we can see how much of a disaster - or otherwise - the interior is: lord knows the exterior needs a ton of work, aside from the (brand new) roof.

Then another BS 'team meeting' with the new boss and all the teams - of course, I'll be on the phone for this meeting as it's down in New Mexico, so I'm sure it will be deep and meaningful.

I'm starting to get really bothered about the new boss, in fact: I've asked him 3 times whether he wants to receive some reports his predecessor got automatically, without reply: and sent him my weekly report yesterday, with a couple of comments asking for feedback as to level of detail & specificity, stuff like that, and ... nada; not even acknowledgement.

I was fine for the last 12 months, having a line manager in N'awlins that never communicated with me at all (except for once when my timesheet was late), as at least the site manager was giving me guidance and, yanno, managing me: but having both of them playing the deaf&dumb game is extremely unpleasant. It's not as though I don't feel isolated and ignored already (god knows my first couple of months here rammed that home firmly), I really dont need more alienating behaviour.

Oh well, after that off to see the mortgage broker to fill in the paperwork & hand over all the bumph needed to back up the verbal OK he gave us last week.

& now to dash off for a sub, so I dont go crazy with low blood sugars.

Well, been to see the Old Lady, and man is she a wreck inside. Would need complete eletrical refit (followed by relining the whole place), both bathrooms & kitchen completely redone, new ceilings, refinished floors, in fact almost everything: plus, as it's in the Old Historical District (I forget the name of it), it all is strictly limited as to what you can do with it, as it has to be kept closely in theme with the whole Victorian thing, which will hike the price further.

Oh well, it always looked like a bit of a pipe dream, at least we didn't dismiss it immediately but explored the possibility.

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