Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The intersection of ugly and mean

I've found it extremely strange here, since the election last year: it's like half of the Republican party (and all the further right parties, like Constitutionalists, Libertarians, etc) have gone utterly barking mad, and are resolutely refusing to recognise that they legitimately lost the election. They're not claiming vote fraud (like the grotesquely obvious stolen election of 2000), but rather, some (many) are alleging that the President isn't actually an American, and the rest are just having a totally childish tantrum and denying reality, without providing any reason at all why they should still be controlling everything.

It's really quite frightening - I mean, they may be a relatively small proportion of the populace (perhaps 10% overall?), but 10% of 300million is still a lot of people - and most of them seem to be concentrated in the deeply racist south (hello, Arkansas!). It's not like they're subtle about the racism of it, either - one of the most common howls of tantrum is, 'Give me my country back', which, um, well, it's right here, it's just a tiny bit less totally-controlled by old rich white guys (and really, it is only a tiny change, unfortunately).

But their hysteria then gets preyed on by the more cynical right-wing operatives (mostly not actually Republican Party leaders, to be fair): ridiculous and appalling lies are circulated, and swallowed whole, every time - and as quick as one gets batted down, the next one pops up.

All that would be more or less standard operating procedure, in many ways, but the media here have so comprehensively abandoned any sense of duty or responsibility to the truth, that they do little or nothing to stop this, quite the reverse (in fact explicitly the reverse when it comes to Matt Drudge, and to Fox 'News').

I guess this is more or less inevitable - as news has become just another form of entertainment, the lowest common denominator operates, and the most sensationalist news stories are seen as 'winning' - whether they actually get the most viewers or not. Instead of ignoring or scoffing at an obviously ridiculous lie, they actively promulgate it, and at the same time seek the most sensationalist opposition to the lie, to create 'drama' and 'story', without ever taking an editorial position on the subject - any subject.

That form of dispassion is all well and good on topics where reasonable people disagree, such as a lot of policy ideas: but it is utterly abhorrent, and a disgusting lapse of ethics and reason, when the topic is one that only crazed, totally unreasonable people would disagree - but these are the people the media are now giving equal footing, and treating as serious people with subjects worthy of discussion, rather than dismissing or ignoring, or ridiculing (and here, Fox News and the Wall Street Journal - Murdoch operations - are specifically and comprehensively more guilty than the rest of the rotten shower).

I know that a lot of people, here & overseas, grew to loathe GW Bush (eventually - 9/11 bought him a lot of goodwill on all sides, which he frittered away in the most foolish of ways, in my opinion) - and some of the extreme left became quite unhinged and came up with ludicrous, preposterous stories about him & his government. But, these were seen as what they were (are) - crazed lunatic extremists, worthy of neither debate nor attention.

Obama's opposition, on the other hand, has sprung forth fully-grown, a veritable Cadmus' harvest of enmity, and have been widely and consistently reported, interviewed, summarised and debated, at every turn of the clock. This poison is, I think, gravely weakening the whole political process in this country.

In the end, politics is about letting everyone have their say, and in the nature of things involves most big segments of the populace having a turn in power, for longer or shorter. If the lunatic right is going to insist on having it's own way, with menaces, violence and threats of assassination, and if the elected politicians get scared into permitting this (which I wouldn't blame them too much for**), then it can only lead to an even greater explosion from the wide majority who have been again excluded from power. How long do they remain inert, sheep to be shorn by the interests of the extremely rich - banks, insurance companies and credit card companies, in essence?

Well, probably quite a while, they have been so comprehensively blinkered by propaganda.

So, how to make sure the politicians pay attention to the actual opinions of their voters? well, there's the trick, isn't it? Californian direct-democracy certainly looks pretty tarnished :) I guess I better get myself to the next local Town Hall, tho, and put my money where my mouth is.

Enough blither for one day


** Well, OK I probably will - but it's hard to resist menacing violence, it takes a lot of willpower, over a long long period.

Update: In case you think I exaggerate on how crazy people are getting, let me just cite a couple of examples from yesterday (and there are some every day)
From Steve Benen (Political Animal):

One of the protestors, in particular, brought a unique perspective.

Diane Campbell of Kingston, N.H., held a sign with Mr. Obama's face superimposed on a Nazi storm trooper, a sign, she said, that was made by her chronically ill mother.

Her mother's hereditary autoimmune disease is treated with expensive transfusions of gamma globulin, paid for by Medicare. Her sister, Louise, was born with no arms and one leg, and is also covered by Medicare, the government-run, health-insurance program for the elderly and disabled.

"Adolf Hitler was for exterminating the weak, not just the Jews and stuff, and socialism -- that's what's going to happen."

Now, my goal is not to pick on Diane Campbell, whom I do not know. She's quite clearly confused, though, and has come to believe some ridiculous lies. Campbell has apparently been so enraged by the right-wing nonsense she's been told, she feels entirely comfortable going out in public with signs comparing the president to a Nazi, and telling a reporter, on the record, that health care reform is comparable to Hitler's Holocaust.

But let's not overlook the irony of Diane Campbell's situation. Government-run, taxpayer-financed health care has kept her mother alive. Government-run, taxpayer-financed health care provides treatment and care to her sister. Based on the descriptions, it's safe to assume the costs associated with treatments for Campbell's mother and sister are enormous, but taxpayers and a socialized health care system pick up the tab. What's wrong with that? Not a thing.

Except, of course, that Diane Campbell is now trying to convince people that health care reform is both radical and dangerous.

It was a painful clip that quickly made the rounds. At a town-hall event hosted by Rep. John Dingell (D) in Michigan, a local man named Mike Sola brought his wheelchair-bound son to confront, and scream at, the long-time lawmaker. He was eventually escorted from the event by police.

Yesterday, Sola appeared on Fox News, arguing that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid sent "thugs" to his house "in the middle of the night." He added that he's prepared to use "lethal force" against "the person" in the future, before arguing that health care reform would "sentence our families to death" because "old people" would be "discarded."

It was very sad to watch. Sola's son has cerebral palsy, and their family has experienced difficulties that I can scarcely imagine. It's not surprising that he and his family would want to know how health care reform would affect their lives.

But the poor man has been fed so many lies, he apparently doesn't realize what he's saying. Mike Sola, who I suspect is entirely sincere, actually believes that Democratic proposals would kill the elderly and the disabled. He seems to have no idea that his beliefs are not in any way grounded in reality.


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