Thursday, August 6, 2009

Job hunt

Another very busy day it seems: I guess the increase in meetings and paperwork guarantee a lot more of these than before, even if it is just so much make-work. Oh well, if they want to pay me to shift the hole from one side of the yard to the other, that's their prerogative. (I'm joking of course - tell me to do anything with a shovel and you're likely to have an emergency visit to a proctologist).

Cat is doing her unpaid work at the florist's place today, getting some more experience with American floristry, which is apparently quite strange and different from European floristry. Normally she'd do this on Friday, but we're planning to have that day devoted to house views. She's also applied for her first paid job here, which has her hyperventilating a bit: the whole experience of American employment seems incredibly fraught and treacherous, being so unregulated and leaving the employees so unprotected.

Still, I'm very glad that she's been able to start applying for jobs: that's a big hurdle to jump. Once she lands a job, I must see about union coverage for florists - although on past experience it will be dross (to be polite). Even in England, there was no coverage until you'd been at an employer for 12 months, which, given the heavy turnover with florist shops, almost noone was ever eligible.

With all the political brouhaha about the appalling american health system, it looks like one (at least) of the major terrors about employment here (health insurance & coverage) might be alleviated. Then all we need is a Labour Department with any teeth or method of enforcing the existing labor and industrial laws, and some regulators able to enforce the environmental laws, and things will be a bit less scarey :)

Of course, whether anything gets passed about that, it's still up in the air very much: I think it's likely, but by no means certain. Hmm, more on that another time, I need to pay attention to this meeting it seems.

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