Friday, May 22, 2015

the zombie blog staggers on

I'm hoping I may have time and energy enough to revive this blog, at least occasionally, so here goes!

Arrived in Tampa from N'awlins on Mon 11th May, found a house to rent Wed,  13th May, got truck and movers to unload Fri 15th May, started new job Mon 18th May, got paid Thu 21st May. Whew :)

It's been a bit hectic, but Cat is bearing the brunt of unpacking/organising - then again, she hasn't started looking for a job yet, so that pretty much works out. 

The new house is great - all wood floors, 3 good size bedrooms, 2 office/bonus rooms that are also a good size (my wargaming room and Cat's sewing room, and a big lounge/dining room, plus a decent size kitchen this time. A few teething problems, but nothing unusual really.

Work is ...interesting. Haven't been a one-man DBA shop for 15 years, so there's some adjustment. THis might also be the smallest company I've worked for, so I also need to adjust to a much lower level of formality and organisation (and hte abandonment of a WHOLE lot of Best Practice stuff, like change control, separation of security functions, etc). Certainly not boring, though, as I'll need to get my head around being an Active Domain administrator on the side, as well as learning something about MS Dynamix AX, which is billed as an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, but actually it's an accounting package - general ledger, billing, accounts receivable, all that song and dance - plus a customer-facing section for the franchise holders to handle their accounts.

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