Friday, September 10, 2010

Welcome to the new Fascism

This just left me flabbergasted:
Yep, my older child has made a few choice observations during this first week of high-school: where to start? First of all, she was none too enthusiastic about the form we were asked to sign giving the US military permission to add her barely-out-of-middle-school name to their roster of potential recruits. (For pity’s sake. Could we hurry up and ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, already? Seriously.) OK, OK, at least they asked permission. 

I mean, wow. Just wow. And given that its a US High School, you just KNOW that anyone who doesn't give permission is going to be singled out for humiliation after it is 'accidentally' leaked'. Purely optional, my arse.

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