Wednesday, April 14, 2010

From conservative columnist Ross Douthat's book (Tropic of Privilege):
One successful foray ended on the guest bed of a high school friend's parents, with a girl who resembled a chunkier Reese Witherspoon drunkenly masticating my neck and cheeks. It had taken some time to reach this point -- "Do most Harvard guys take so long to get what they want?" she had asked, pushing her tongue into my mouth. I wasn't sure what to say, but then I wasn't sure this was what I wanted. My throat was dry from too much vodka, and her breasts, spilling out of pink pajamas, threatened my ability to. I was supposed to be excited, but I was bored and somewhat disgusted with myself, with her, with the whole business ... and then whatever residual enthusiasm I felt for the venture dissipated, with shocking speed, as she nibbled at my ear and whispered -- "You know, I'm on the pill. ..."
I'm sitll kind of slack-jawed in astonishment at the repellent persona on display, not to mention the apparent total lack of self-awareness. I still haven't decided whether this is a deep-seated misogyny (of the madonna/whore bent), or deep-dyed repression latent homophilia ... but probably both.The end result is an attitude in which Buck/Douthat detests any woman so dirty and vile as to express sexual attraction toward a guy like him

What astonishes me even more is that the New York Times trusts this guy with a regular column? I mean, really? do they all loathe and despise women or is it OK to just have a bitter misogynist on the team to give true depth and breadth of coverage? I look forward to them hiring a quota of open fascists and antisemites as well (except, oops they probably have).


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