Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Cat TV

One of the thing both cats definitely approve of in our new abode, is the glass patio door, as it stares out onto a grove* of trees, and a thicket of bamboo, which seem to be perpetually full of bird life and squirrels.

Our mighty hunters are happy to spend hours, watching and imagining the hunt they will have if they ever, you know, venture out there. Given their prowess in hunting - basically nil - this is the sort of pipe dream definitely worth encouraging.

However, we appear to have an interloping cat prowling the neighbourhood, a shorthair black cat also called Midnight!**

It has been most entertaining, as it will come up to the patio door and stare in, while our Midnight is staring out, and they seem fascinated by each other. The first few times, our Middie would slink off in defeat pretty quickly (long years of being cowed by Brandy conditioning this, I assume), but with the passage of time & the failure to get beaten up, she has gained some courage, and now stands making the most peculiar sound, a sort of half-strangled halfwhine, half growl, descending in pitch. The other Midnight just blinks and wanders off after she gets bored, however, so it's not exactly devastating.

I should add, the couple of times Brandy has been staring out the door, as soon as Other Midnight turns up, she fluffs up, hisses, growls, and scares it off tout suite, but then she's a bossy little thing at all times.

*Well, a few trees anyway! Grove is perhaps a bit grandiose

** Name discerned from a little girl wandering the neighbourhood one night, bellowing 'Midnight! Midnight!' in a voice that would do a brass foghorn proud for both volume and harshness.

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