Wednesday, October 19, 2011

As ye sew, so shall ye fail to reap, apparently

Well the racist shitheels in Alabama* have passed & had enforced new rules to ensure maximum legal hostility to illegal immigrants, including making it a felony for an illegal immigrant to have any dealings with the apparatus of the state (applying for a drivers license, requesting water deliveries, etc), making it permissible for police to check immigration status on a traffic stop, and forcing schools to check the immigration status of children's parents.**

Of course, this has had a predictable and desired (by the Alabama swinefest) result, that illegal Hispanic immigrants have been leaving the state in droves. Of course, non-brown-skinned immigrants dont even get questioned or harassed, so they aren't leaving.

This has also had a predictable and somehow unexpected effect, that the farmers using immigrant labour, are unable to get their crops harvested.

 Apparently americans aren't willing to work that long and hard for not very much money, and farmers aren't prepared to push up the wages to overcome that. So much for free labor markets
 Spencer said that of more than 50 people he recruited for the work, only a few worked more than two or three days, and just one stuck with the job for the last two weeks.

Of course, if the reich-wing get their way in California, Arizona & Texas, the same problems will multiply afresh ... California, being so dependant on illegal immigrant labour for a huge variety of farm, sanitation, & service staff, could just about grind to a halt. Excellent idea, guys, well done.

*among several other states, but this is the one being reported on atm
** I dont see how these things could stand up to examination under the US Constitution but given the savage lawbreakers and vile criminals that make up the bench of the SCOTUS, anything is possible. I give you, forex, Bush v Gore.

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