Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Well it seems to have been medical month (again).

Cat has been to get mammograms and see an oncologist, at the recommendation of her OB-GYN. Mercifully, it seems she just has a benign cyst, and the stabbing pain she is getting in her other breast are customary for the onset of menopause. Did I mention how much it seems to suck just being a woman?

And I've just been to the doctors & gotten a prescription for antibiotics, after getting what seems to be a spider bite on the back of my right hand - it raised a lump about 2 inches square, which failed to go down in a couple of days as I was expecting, hence the doctor. Nasty bugs hereabouts, it seems. The only odd bit really was that neither I nor the doctor could see any puncture wounds, yet it definitely seems to be infectious not inflammatory.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Phil, good to see you back blogging.

Hope everything goes well for Cat and the swelling in your hand goes down.

Not much news here. Paul & Lis off overseas in a couple of weeks.

Lots of love