Thursday, March 11, 2010

Blowing in the wind

Well, that was exciting.

Last night, as I was finishing cooking dinner, the sirens started sounding off! I thought, huh, late shift at the factory I guess (duh), but Cat came from the bedroom and told me thats the tornado warning sirens. We grabbed cats, chairs (and dinner!) and retreated to the central corridor in the house, closing all the doors, as the best protection available (no basement, alas).

We were there about an hour, I guess, listening to the TV (which I turned to the local station and cranked the volume before we retreated). It sounds like the nearest tornado passed about half a mile away, to the north of us. Haven't gone to look & see what sort of damage it caused, but the reports all said that there were no reports of injury to anyone, so Little Rock may have gotten off lightly - north of us are densely-settled valleys, interspersed with relatively lightly settled ridgelines, and of course the Arkansas river.

All a bit sobering, though.

The tornadoes were spawned/followed by a heavy lightning storm, that passed off after another hour or so.

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