Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election Night

Free at last, Free at last, Great God A'mighty, free at last.

I didn't think they'd actually do it, polls or no polls, but damned if they haven't

I'm -still- not entirely convinced that something won't intervene: an assassin's bullet, a calamitous catastrophe, a big serious war, any excuse really.

But, it really appears, at last ... no more Bush. A shame he'll get to pardon all his cronies before he leaves office, but at least they'll finally be *out* of office.

And finally, a calm, level-headed man of ability - someone who could keep such tight discipline on his staff that they never leaked in 21 months of campaigning, someone who seems to have a quick eye for picking able subordinates, and above all, someone of temperament and caution. This is the America I remember, the America I want to be part of, at last.

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