Friday, November 7, 2008

Makes everything go 'round, apparently

And let us not forget what made Obama's victory possible - Money. Money in gobs, money in torrents, money in spectacular waterfalls. So much money that the political experts were left sitting around, slack-jawed in amazement, wordlessly pointing and gobbling. So much money that they literally couldn't figure out what to do with it all.

And not money from Big Business, or even (ha) Big Unions, but money in $10 and $20 and $50 contributions from an enormous range of people, people who would normally never be interested in politics, but who believed in Obama from the start, and showed their (our) belief in the most direct way.

As for me, well, I couldn't vote for him, but I could contribute my support, and gladly did.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election Night

Free at last, Free at last, Great God A'mighty, free at last.

I didn't think they'd actually do it, polls or no polls, but damned if they haven't

I'm -still- not entirely convinced that something won't intervene: an assassin's bullet, a calamitous catastrophe, a big serious war, any excuse really.

But, it really appears, at last ... no more Bush. A shame he'll get to pardon all his cronies before he leaves office, but at least they'll finally be *out* of office.

And finally, a calm, level-headed man of ability - someone who could keep such tight discipline on his staff that they never leaked in 21 months of campaigning, someone who seems to have a quick eye for picking able subordinates, and above all, someone of temperament and caution. This is the America I remember, the America I want to be part of, at last.