Thursday, September 25, 2008


Sorry for the silence, another wretched summer cold has struck, & I've been flat on my back, snuffling snorting sneezing, and generally providing too many bodily fluids. Oh well, mostly over it now, and back at work (altho whether I'll last past lunch is a moot point so far).

On the bright side, we had another visit from Ray last weekend, which was really great for both of us: it's kinda weird to make such a good friend, at the age of 50, but we seem to have so many shared/overlapping experiences, it's like I've known him forever, without ever meeting: like some parallel dimension.

We did a couple of sessions of Runequest, so he could see what it played like: I was a bit lacking as GM, with a sore throat precluding much detailed descriptions, but it seemed to work pretty well overall, and gave him a fair picture of classic Gloranthan RQ.

Cat keeps getting snippets from NZ about her father's arrest, which has finally happened (thank ghu) - but then his idiot brother wants a 'family conference' to sort things out, i.e. help Ashley escape the just retribution coming his way; then the police were asking her whether she was interested in 'restorative' justice rather than 'punitive' justice ... I ask you, what is it he's going to restore, her childhood innocence? the years wasted in mental hospitals because her accusations were deemed to be psychotic fantasy? the years after that where she was miserable, offcentre, and self-hating? Fortunately, she didn't get sucked into that, and firmly expressed her opinion that there was no avenue for that with her, and the best restorative she could have was to see him rotting in prison at last.

Of course, all this has left her extremely upset, and depressed. I've gotten her to talk to her therapist in the UK, to try & identify a US therapist that might fit her, and she has, I think, some hints about what to loook for - hopefully she can find some help shortly. I do what I can, of course, but I'm hardly a trained therapist.

Well, back to work now, there's actually something for me to do today :)


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you are down again with a cold. I managed to pick up the flu before we left Hamilton on 16th Sept and am still not fully recovered yet. Still coughing up yellow gunk so as the weather is still cold and wet I haven't ventured outside.
I do miss the various exercise groups but need some better weather to get out in.
Poor Cat - when will this all be settled so that she can have some peace? I can imagine she must be distraught at the attempt to give an escape to this disgusting man, who surely must be made to accept his disgraceful behaviour. Do send her my sympathy, I wish I could do something to help. I hope a good therapist can give her some comfort.
The bridge games seem to give her pleasure and it's good for you to get some fun time togther. Our Cribbage League is coming to a close with Diana and Gwenda fighting for 1st place, I'm way down the list this year for the first time.
We now have an election date - 8th Nov, how does this US election go? Will they have a black man or a quavering old one? What's your call?
I would love to meet Ray, if he can grab your attention the way he has, he sounds like a pleasure to know.
I've been told to keep this short and have disobeyed once again, sorry.
All my love to you both
Mum / Jeanne

Die alte Aechzener said...

I was worried about the election, but it looks like the racism here has finally weakened enough that Obama will get elected (not that I hold a torch for him particularly, so much as I despise his opponent). I hope that seeing a black man as President will be a really healing thing for this place.

And yes, Ray is exceptional - it feels like I've known him forever.