Thursday, August 28, 2008

Good days

Well, last weekend Ray drove over from Oklahoma City & spent the weekend, which was really good: we had a game of Fields of Glory on Saturday and discovered we knew the rules a lot less well than we thought: went out for dinner and brunches to the best bits of Little Rock that we've discovered so far: and talked our heads off.

It's rather odd to find a friend, at age 50, who feels like you've known him since age 10. We seem to have had so many parallel experiences, between wargaming and roleplaying, and identify closely with many shared ideas and thoughts (everywhere except politics where he seems to be wrongheadedly and stubbornly Republican, which I just dont get - he'd doubtless say the same, in reverse :) Saturday night we were up talking til 3 o'clock, just chewing over ideas for roleplaying: it's a damn shame OKC is so far away, too far really to run a regular RPG group from Little Rock, or I'd definitely run a campaign: but 4-5 hours drive every weekend, or even every 2nd weekend, is just too much (time, and especially cash for gas - it must be $40 each way at least I guess).

It's not just with me, Cat and Ray also enjoy talking, about America & just generally: certainly made for a great weekend.

Oh, and Bridge last night was -scorching- I haven't seen the results yet, but I don't doubt that we placed top: some of the hands I got to play were just wonderful, so tricky, but yielding great results for the right approach - I had a 3NT contract making every trick, and a 5C contract that everyone else went down 2 on, where I managed to make it, with some very tricksy discards to fool the opposition: several others too, but those were the most memorable. Cat was bidding much more precisely, and delivered exactly as promised: and her defensive play was outstanding too, she seemed to read my mind for picking the right leads, and we had a couple of spectacular results that way - a 2NT contract that should make, went down 2 because Cat found the right lead to me twice, a 4H contract that went down 3 (altho that was partly just gross optimism by our opposition, because they insisted on bidding on over a sacrificial 3D I made, and then got excited by 3H) .. oh, and funniest of all in some ways, a 4NT contract that went spectacularly down 3, where it should have been 4S making 5 (due to their initial 3S followed by my preempt 4C throwing them into a panic).

Fun times :)

1 comment:

lissie said...

It sounds like you guys have settled in nicely -meeting the neighbours in the US - that's pretty cool! We are enjoying 20C weather again in Perth -winter appears over - it was a long 6 weeks though LOL. My brother was considering moving to the US but it now looks like it will be Down Under - somewhere. D gave us the address of your blog BT Lis S