Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wage slave, lay down your chains

One of the most important facts about present-day American politics is that poor people have essentially no political “voice” in Washington. They do, however, vote. And they’re also human beings with moral worth and interests who count

Reading this made me realise*, this last century has been in part a story of how the power elites have learned to fission, delude and sucker poor people into voting against their own interests, and in subverting and/or crushing groupings of poor people trying to exert their own political power. This is largely true every in the first world, but is so nakedly and breathtakingly visible in US history as to be a perfect object lesson. The vicious hatred and unbelievably cruel treatment of the union movement in this country, both historically, and still being enforced, is pretty much a perfect example.

If this line of thought is carried much further, I might turn into a 'bomb-throwing radical' hahah. I do wish I'd realised this stuff 40 years ago, or not been so deafened myself as to fail to hear those who were saying it at the time. Plus de souvenirs, plus de regrets.

* or remember!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hope and pray

Well I can only hope that President Mubarak displays a shred of honesty, and departs, rather than crushing this in the usual tyrannical rivers of blood ... if he can, that is.

One thing that astonished me is that my (few) Egyptian friends, who are all of military occupation or background*, are unanimously of the opinion that his government is now so rotten and dishonest as to need immediate replacement. If army officers of long provenance feel like this, what are the odds of the army NOT enforcing a crackdown, if those orders are passed down? I really hope I don't find out.

*and are all wargamers, unsurprisingly.